How to Celebrate National Garden Month in Annapolis – Part 2
May 19, 2023Do These Gardening Tasks for June Soon – Part 2
June 21, 2023June 21 is the first day of summer and the longest day of the year. June has long days with plenty of sunlight, and you’ll have more time to complete all the jobs. There are lots of gardening tasks to get done during the season.
1) Prune Early Summer Flowering Shrubs
One of the most essential June gardening tasks is pruning shrubs that either flower or finish flowering during early summer.
Three examples of shrubs in the above category are Coronilla, Philadelphus, and Weigela. The last two may have to be left until July if their flowering comes late because of bad weather.
You can help their growth if you water the shrubs after they are pruned. Another good idea is laying mulch around their root areas.
2) Thin Out Overloaded Fruit Branches
Plucking several unripe fruits from overloaded tree branches will allow those to remain to get adequate air and light to ripen healthily. This can be done at the beginning and then end of June.
Some trees will shed fruit on their own. This is a natural process called “the June drop.” This nature culls excess fruit to prevent branches from breaking because they cannot bear the weight. Fruit trees can then have a better chance to produce an excellent crop for the season.
3) Trim Early Flowering Perennials
The flowers of early perennials, especially pulmonaria, and knapweed, will look a bit faded come June. Their older leaves and stems will appear a bit floppy and sloppy. It will be your task to whip them back into shape by the beginning of summer.
Use pruning shears to trim flower stems and any leaves that look faded. Afterward, nurture their growth with granular fertilizer and adequate water. Soon after, they will look much nicer, and you may be delighted by a second bloom.
Pulmonaria is susceptible to white powdery mildew. Remove the affected leaves and throw them straight into the bin. Please don’t use them for composting.
Part 2 will discuss more key gardening tasks for June.
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Founded by Loni Moyer in 2002, Garden Girls brings more than 20 years of horticulture experience and expertise to beautify a home’s landscaping. Our dedicated team can make everything around your house beautiful all year round. Call us today at (410) 263-1133 for a friendly and free consultation to discuss your home’s landscaping needs.