March Into Spring for Your Maryland Garden – Part 1
February 10, 2023

April’s Top Gardening Jobs – Part 2
March 22, 2023Part 2 will cover more Maryland gardening tasks and tips for March.
4) Propagation of Houseplants and Perennials
Last season’s plants that wintered indoors should be ready to multiply through their cuttings. Begonias, coleus, and scented geraniums are easy to grow using this technique. All you have to do is cut a single leaf at the petiole (the stalk that supports a leaf in a plant and attaches it to the stem), then plant it in a tray of potting mix that is moist and drains well. If you want to speed up growth, dip their petioles in the rooting hormone, which can increase their probability of thriving.
Houseplants featuring trailing habits, such as philodendrons and golden pothos, can be cut and placed into a vase of water. After roots have formed on their stems, the plants can be potted. Utilizing this approach, the plants you propagate will be full and beautiful by May and can be added to your garden.
5) Planting Shrubs and Trees
Even though March temperatures can have wide fluctuations, the month is an ideal time to plant shrubs and trees. As nurseries start to stock spring-blooming trees early, you can plant them if the soil is ready.
Inspect the quality of shrubs and trees, especially checking for healthy roots. An important note is giving the root ball some extra room. You should also plant the shrub or tree at the soil level or a little higher to ensure good drainage.
6) Additional Tips for March
Although Maryland greets spring earlier than states up north, there still may be frost warnings and wet soil that will limit your ability to plant in March. The following are a handful of additional gardening tips for the month.
- After the danger of frost has passed, plant perennial fruits and vegetables.
- Make sure to prune rose bushes before their buds break.
- Select hardy annuals like pansies for planting.
- Summer bulbs like dahlias should be planted after the soil dries and warms up.
- Trees and shrubs can be planted the moment the soil can be worked.
Call Garden Girls to Beautify Your Landscaping!
Founded by Loni Moyer in 2002, Garden Girls brings more than 20 years of experience and expertise in horticulture to beautify a home’s landscaping. Loni brings her lifelong passion for growing flowers into every project for her clients living in the Annapolis area.
Loni’s dedicated team of landscaping crews and designers can make all that grows around your house beautiful all year round. Call her today at (410) 263-1133 for a friendly and free consultation to discuss your home’s landscaping needs.