Why Hire a Professional Landscaper?
February 10, 2022

Five Essential Spring Services for Lawn Care
March 23, 2022After a cold Annapolis winter, your home’s yard will need lots of attention at the beginning of spring. The following will discuss the top landscaping tasks to kick off the season and start the growing just right.
Thorough Cleaning
The removal of debris that accumulated during the winter is important. Clear away broken branches, dead grass, fallen leaves, and trash. This will improve airflow and sun exposure, discouraging bacteria and mold growth that can harm plants.
Lawn Aeration
As the year’s pass, your lawn will compact naturally. Hardened soil has trouble absorbing air and moisture, and new grasses struggle to grow their roots. Aeration will loosen up the soil, easing soil penetration and water absorption. Considered the best approach, professionals typically recommend core aeration, which removes small plugs of soil.
Pre-Emergent and Fertilizer
Best done after lawn aeration, the application of pre-emergent herbicide and fertilizer simultaneously will jumpstart your lawn for spring. They work well together due to the need to water them into the soil for effectiveness. This combination will help prevent the growth of weeds, making their control easier over the summer, and grass will get important nutrients.
Pruning & Trimming
Spring is considered to be an ideal period for pruning and trimming plants to promote new and healthy growth while eliminating older growth. It is also important to remove damaged or dead parts of plants. Hard cutbacks may be necessary on certain trees or shrubs.
Planting & Mulching
Your landscaping professional can test the soil condition of your yard. The results will allow them to determine the nutrients needed. Afterward, spring planting can begin with the new plants and trees that will beautify your landscaping. Compost and mulch can be added for the protection of new plantings. Spring is also a great time to seed the bare spots of your lawn.
Call Garden Girls for Beautiful Landscaping!
Founded by Loni Moyer, Garden Girls brings more than 20 years of experience and expertise in horticulture to beautifying a home’s landscaping. Our dedicated team can make everything around your house beautiful all year round. Give us a call today at (410) 263-1133 for a friendly and free consultation to talk about your home’s landscaping needs.