Bring Out the Winter Beauty in Your Yard
December 20, 2021

No Sun? No Worries!
January 30, 2022The beauty that a well-maintained garden and landscaping provide is Mother Nature’s way of bringing happiness and joy to all who take the time to sit back and take it all in. Try as we might, Mother Nature always has a tendency to throw a curveball our way as a reminder that we have the tools to make a beautiful garden, but only she can really keep it that way. With the coldest months of the year ahead of us, maintaining a winter garden is difficult but not impossible.
The Garden Girls know how much love and care goes into your home garden and want to see the peace that a beautiful flower bed can bring all year round. A window flower box can provide you with beautiful blooming flowers for the entire year. Window boxes are easy to care for and maintain and bring charm and beauty to your home that can be changed at any time.
You can buy your own flower box or build one yourself to ensure that it has your own flair. What is important is what goes inside the box. You must ensure that the box has drainage holes with an inside liner highly recommended. Having a liner at the bottom of the box makes it easier to change the flower display when you see fit.
When choosing your plants, it is wise to use a strong plant that can survive the cooler months. Some plants can even survive a frost or two. Chrysanthemums, a plant in the daisy family, are perfect because they are easy and straightforward to take care of. Marigolds and Flowering Kale are also good choices for sturdy, year-round plants.
When arranging your flower box, you should start by placing two or three larger plants in the box, surrounded by smaller plants that can hang over the outside of the box. This way your larger blooming flowers can be the focal point, allowing plenty of space for the smaller plants to mix in. Feel free to crowd the plants in there. Since you will be changing the plants in the box semi-regularly, you do not have to over-concern yourself with spacing them out.
Like any other garden, your window box garden needs plenty of water. It is important to water the plants right away to help settle the soil and plants together, allowing the roots to soak up all the nutrients in the soil quickly. After that, consider adding plant food spikes to keep the flower’s nutrient healthy, and water the box once or twice a week.
No matter what time of year it is, or how large a garden you are putting together, the green thumb experts at Garden Girls have all of the supplies and expertise that you need to keep your home beautiful year-round. For more information, please visit www.gardengrilsllc.com.